StableBit CloudDrive Advanced Settings

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You can tweak advanced settings in Stablebit CloudDrive by editing a .config file in notepad.

The file is located in C:\Program Files\StableBit\CloudDrive\CloudDrive.Service.exe.default.config.

In order to put the file into effect, you will need to rename the .config file to CloudDrive.Service.exe.config and restart the StableBit CloudDrive system service (or reboot).

Any time you upgrade, or reinstall CloudDrive, it writes an updated "default" config file, but leaves the current "CloudDrive.Service.exe.config" alone so it doesn't alter any of your settings.

Editing the config file

Open the file in notepad. You will see an XML formatted file. If you're not familiar with XML then all that you need to know is that the values that you can change look like this:


You can change this line to:


The setting name is right above that line:

<setting name="CoveFsLogSizeMB" serializeAs="String">

In this case the name is CoveFsLogSizeMB.

There are also numerical values and time values.


Settings are organized by function.


  • CloudDrive_CultureOverride - Overrides the UI culture setting. When set, text will appear in a different language than your OS culture. Set to a culture string such as "de", "es", "fr", etc... This works with remote control as well. When connecting to a StableBit CloudDrive machine with an overridden culture, the UI on the connecting machine will be in the overridden culture.
  • CloudDrive_ServiceLoggingEnabled - Enables normal service logging, such as remote control info, cloud provider I/O info, etc...


  • CloudFs_LogSizeMB - The binary kernel log size. 100MB can be from a few minutes to 10 minutes worth of logs, depending on I/O activity. The kernel binary log records every operation on the cloud drive in a high performance and compact log file.
  • CloudFs_TracingFlushS - This sets flush to disk the interval. 0 will flush on every trace.
  • CloudDrive_PingHost - Sets the IP address of the host we use to verify that there is an active Internet connection.
  • CloudDrive_WaitForInternetS - Sets the amount of time that we will wait for a response when checking for Internet connectivity.


  • PinDiskMetadata_IntervalM - This sets how often to check for file system metadata changes when pinning data to the local cache, in minutes.


  • ProviderRegistry_IncludeExperimental - This setting allows experimental or broken providers to be used, such as OneDrive (badly throttled).


  • IoManager_ReadThreads - Sets how many threads to use for asynchronous read tasks. These tasks are used throughout StableBit CloudDrive to parallelize various file system operations.
  • IoManager_WriteThreads - Sets how many threads to use for asynchronous write tasks. These tasks are used throughout StableBit CloudDrive to parallelize various file system operations.
  • IoManager_DefaultConnectionLimit - Sets the limit to how many HTTP/HTTPS connections that we can have open at the same time.
  • IoManager_WriteRetries - How many times we will retry uploading a block of data before an error is generated.
  • IoManager_HttpTimeoutMS - Sets the HTTP/HTTPS timeout limit for requests to and from cloud providers, so that we are not waiting forever for a response.
  • IoManager_UseHttpCompression - Enables HTTP Compression for the cloud providers that support it.
  • IoManager_ReadAbort - Sets the timeout for read request failures from a cloud provider.
  • IoManager_WriteAbort - Sets the timeout for write request failures to a cloud provider.


  • SettingIoManager_ReadRetries - How many times we will retry reading a block of data before an error is generated.


  • DeleteCloudDrive_Retries - Specifies the number of times we will retry deleting a cloud drive before failing.


  • WholeChunkIoImplementation_PartialWriteAggregationMS - When a cloud provider doesn't support writing partial chunks (which is very common), we aggregate partial shared write requests into a master chunk write request. This is a very complicated optimization and you shouldn't change this value unless instructed to do so by technical support.


  • ValidateLogins_MaxDegreeOfParallelism - When first starting StableBit CloudDrive, how many threads to use in order to validate your existing login credentials.


  • RemoteControl_Port - Specifies the port used by StableBit CloudDrive for remote management.
  • RemoteControl_MulticastGroupIp - The multicast group IP to use for peer discovery.
  • RemoteControl_MulticastGroupPort - The multicast group port to use for peer discovery.
  • RemoteControl_MulticastTimeToLive - Controls the number of "hops" the remote control packets will travel before being dropped, to prevent the network from being flooded.
  • RemoteControl_StaticPeerSeekTime - How often to check whether an offline static peer has gone online.


  • LocalIo_ReleaseHandlesDelayMS - Sets the timeout for when to release idle handles (Locks) on files when using the local or file share providers.

Don't forget to rename the config file after you make the change and restart the server (or service), as noted at the top of this page.


Allows you to configure some of the settings for the Remote Control features of the CloudDrive User Interface.

The file is located in C:\Program Files\StableBit\CloudDrive\RemoteControl.default.xml on the server.

In order to put the file into effect, you will need to rename it to RemoteControl.xml and restart the server (or just restart the StableBit CloudDrive system service).

Any time you upgrade, or reinstall CloudDrive, it writes an updated RemoteControl.default.xml file, so it will include any updated settings but leaves the current RemoteControl.xml alone so it doesn't alter any of your settings.


This setting is configured to be "enabled" by default, so that the User Interface will automatically find clients. However, you can set the value to "False" and this will only list entries that you have manually added to the "Peer" list.

The setting should look like this:

<MulticastDiscovery Enabled="True" />


The Peers Section allows you to specify a list of computers that you want available, in cases such as a specific computer isn't picked up by the automatic discovery, or if you want to disable automatic discovery and manually list the computers available.

All clients must be running the same version of CloudDrive, and you must have any additional balancer Plugins installed as well.


You need to manually create an entry for each computer to be added. You can use the computer's host/DNS name, or the IP address, and you can specify a different port (if the service is configured for that, see Control above).


Don't forget to rename the config file after you make the change and restart the server (or service), as noted at the top of this page.