StableBit Scanner Advanced Settings

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Revision as of 22:25, 5 November 2014 by Christopher (talk | contribs)

Advanced Settings

All these settings have been moved into the UI now, so there is no need for a config file. However, on the first startup, it will read the config file and import the settings.

To change any of the options here, you will need to open the StableBit Scanner UI.

Click on the Settings button in the toolbar and select Scanner Settings. Enable the Show advanced settings and information option, and hit "OK". You will only need to do this once, from now on, it will always display this option.

Click on Settings, and select the new Advanced Settings and information option. Open the Configuration Properties tab. You will find a list of all the settings here, organized into section. You can also search for the setting you are looking for.

Once you've made any changes, you will need to restart the service, or restart the computer. To restart the service, run "services.msc" on the system find the "StableBit Scanner Service" and restart it.

Scanner.Service.config (Depreciated)

You can tweak advanced settings in Scanner by editing a .config file in notepad.

The file is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\StableBit\Scanner\Scanner.Service.exe.config_default on the server.

Some older builds did not include the file, it can be downloaded here:

In order to put the file into effect, you will need to rename it from Scanner.Service.exe.config_default to Scanner.Service.exe.config and restart the server (or just restart the StableBit Scanner system service).

A fresh copy of the .config file is written to C:\Program Files (x86)\StableBit\Scanner\Scanner.Service.exe.config_default on upgrade, so your changes will not be overwritten.

Editing the config file

Open the file in notepad. You will see an XML formatted file. If you're not familiar with XML then all that you need to know is that the values that you can change look like this:


You can change this line to:


The setting name is right above that line:

<setting name="UnsafeDirectIo" serializeAs="String">

In this case the name is UnsafeDirectIo.

There are also numerical values and time values.



  • BitFlock_NeverSubmit - Never auto-submit to BitBlock, regardless what is set in the UI.

Direct I/O

  • DirectIO_IgnoreSignature - Do not validate SMART data, just accept whatever the drive gives us.


  • Disks_MaxDegreeOfParallelism - Sets the number of threads to use when enumerating disks at startup.


  • ErrorReportingOverride - Report errors to Covecube Inc. automatically.
  • DirectIOOverride - Set to False to disable Direct I/O.
  • SmartOverride - Set to False to disable all SMART calls.
  • NotificationOverride - Set to False to disable WHS notifications.
  • GoodIdentifyOverride - Scanner will not query certain disks for SMART or identification data because of some bad firmware on them that causes data corruption. If you have one of these disks and would like to force Scanner to query your disk, then set this to a regular expression of your disk model.
  • UnsafeDirectIo - The Scanner supports different methods of communicating with the disk directly, it needs to do this to obtain SMART data and identification data and to issue commands to it that provide additional functionality. The access methods are grouped into 4 groups, Internal and External, and for each, Safe and Unsafe. Methods that have been known to cause a system crash on a small percentage of machines are categorized as Unsafe and are disabled by default. If the Scanner is having trouble talking to your disk directly, you can enable Unsafe mode to see if you get better results.


  • Scanner_RunningFile - Create this file when the Scanner is actively scanning at least one disk and delete it when it's not scanning anything. Can be used for 3rd party integration, such as lights out.
  • Scanner_ScanWithDirectIo - Scan by sending sector verify commands directly to the disk. No data is transferred to the OS.
  • Scanner_DirectIoScanMaximumConcurrent - When scanning with Direct I/O, scan up to this many disks at the same time, per controller. Set to 0 for unlimited.
  • Scanner_DirectIoScanBusMaximumMBps - Only select the Direct I/O scan method on controller with speeds less than this number of MB / s. Set to 0 to always use Direct I/O regardless of controller speed.


  • Smart_NoWmi - When enabled, Scanner will never use WMI to query for SMART data.


  • Smtp_ServerAddress - When set, email notifications will be sent using this SMTP server instead of Amazon cloud services (SES).
  • Smtp_ServerPort - When set to a positive number > 0 it will override the SMTP port used to connect to the server. Otherwise the default port will be used.
  • Smtp_UserName - When set, this username will be supplied to the SMTP server for authentication. Otherwise the connection will be anonymous.
  • Smtp_Password - Must be set together with the user name.
  • Smtp_UseSsl - When set to True a SSL connection will be established with the SMTP server.